Monthly Member Meetings




2024 Member Lunch & Learn Meetings

We invite our members to join us at our Monthly Member Lunch & Learn Meeting on the third Thursday of each month from 11:30am – 1pm. Lunch will be provided courtesy of our event sponsor. We will enjoy networking, a meal and an informative presentation to empower business owners with the tools and resources needed to succeed. Each member may bring up to 2 additional people from their organization/business. Please register each attendee using the link below for the current month's lunch and learn. The Lunch & Learn Meetings are held at Amway World Headquarters - 7575 Fulton St E or the Amy Van Andel Library -7215 Headley St SE.

*Please note we do not meet in June, July, August, or December*

Our Lunch & Learn Series for September 2024 - May of 2025 is presented by:



January 16th  Lunch & Learn

Red Glasses Movement: You are the Future
Kelly Jandernoa's presentation shares the story of her daughter Audrey’s life, Red Glasses Movement, and the parallels that exist between them. She will explain the mission of the movement and how each of us can live boldly, love big, and pass it along in our daily life to make a difference for ourselves and others.
Registration will open on January 2nd.

11:30am to 12:00pm - Networking & Lunch
12:00pm - Meeting & Program

Kelly's Bio: Kelly is an oncology nurse, a spouse to Carl, and mother to Tommy, Samantha, and Audrey. She is executive director and co-founder of the Red Glasses Movement®, an organization started in honor of her daughter Audrey Louise who passed away in 2018. Audrey was born with Down syndrome and a congenital heart defect, but these were not the only things that defined her. Audrey was defined by her bright Red Glasses, her contagious smile, crushing hugs, and lack of inhibitions. Red Glasses Movement is Audrey’s living legacy and has shared over 55,000 Red Glasses worldwide with the mission to remind us all the Live Boldly. Love Big. Pass It Along.

Spring 2025 Dates:

February 20th - TBA

March 20th - Ada Township Update

April 17th - TBA

May 15th - Annual Meeting

Lunch & Learn Presentations

Member Meeting Photos